Law and Regulation Archives - CanBiz Opening the world of cannabis in Canada Sun, 12 Nov 2023 19:13:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Law and Regulation Archives - CanBiz 32 32 Canadians didn’t Start Smoking More Marijuana Fri, 08 Jan 2021 22:07:00 +0000 When Canada’s full legalization law was still being debated, one of its opponents’ arguments was...

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When Canada’s full legalization law was still being debated, one of its opponents’ arguments was that people would use more marijuana, especially teenagers. Two years after legalization, however, researchers have seen nothing of the sort, says Michael Boudreau, a criminology professor at the University of St. Thomas.

About six per cent of Canadians use cannabis daily – the same percentage as before legalization. The proportion of 18- to 24-year-olds who use cannabis hasn’t changed, either – one in three still do.

But teenagers 15-17 years old began to smoke half as much – their number fell from 20 to 10 percent. Only older Canadians have started buying more marijuana.

Meanwhile, sales across the country are on the rise, with most orders being made online. In October 2020, a record 270 million dollars worth of cannabis was sold in Canada. Professor Boudreau sees marijuana as a way to relieve stress during a pandemic and lockdown.

Supply still far outstrips demand, so companies are taking losses

In the years before legalization, investors poured millions of dollars into infrastructure to grow cannabis on an industrial scale. By the end of last year, there were more than a billion grams of legal cannabis left in storage facilities across Canada that can’t be sold. Approximately 30 million grams are consumed every month in Canada. Producers were growing cannabis at a high rate even before stores were licensed to sell it and opened. Last year, they harvested about 360 million grams.

The fact that marijuana businesses are regulated differently in different Canadian provinces has also played a role. For example, in Alberta, license applications were accepted as early as March 2018, so cannabis stores opened quickly.

In Ontario, the most populous province, retail licenses were issued much more slowly. And sales here are regulated differently: the Ontario Government Cannabis Store (OCS) buys cannabis from licensed producers, sets the price of the product, and then sells it to private retailers.

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Canada has run Out of Marijuana on the Fifth Day of Legalization Sat, 29 Sep 2018 17:52:00 +0000 Canada has become the second country in the world and the first G7 country to...

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Canada has become the second country in the world and the first G7 country to fully legalize cannabis for recreational use. From now on, all Canadian citizens over the age of 18 can buy, sell, store and even grow marijuana at home. However, there is a caveat: you can store up to 30 grams and grow no more than four cannabis plants.

Proponents say the new situation will help deal with the black market. Canada was already the country with the highest rate of marijuana use, especially among young people. Canadians spent 5.7 billion Canadian dollars ($4.6 billion) on the drug in 2017, and only a small fraction of the total was purchased for medicinal purposes.

Canadians bought up all the imported marijuana in stores in a couple of days. The authorities did not suspect that the demand for it would be so great. After the law on the legalization of marijuana came into force, the stores in Canada bought up all the drug in just a few days, reports the Independent.

The queues from those wishing to buy cannabis were so long that the police patrolled the places of its realization and calmed those who did not get it.

The head of the state program for the legalization of marijuana Bill Blair stressed that Canada did not succeed in meeting the demand of citizens, and not enough marijuana was brought to the stores.

It is known that the girl sold 30 boxes of cookies in line for the drug.

Recall, on October 17 in Canada began to operate the law on the legalization of cannabis. The country became the second country in the world after Uruguay and the first country of the “G7”, where you can freely sell and purchase marijuana.

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