Mon. Nov 20th, 2023

Vancouver hosts an annual trade show dedicated to the marijuana cultivation and sales industry. The “Cannabis is Business” trade show and conference at Vancouver’s Javits Center Expo Complex attracted more than 200 companies from across the country this year. The Cannabis Conference is for those who want to be in this business legally, utilizing modern technology, production methods, packaging, sorting, as well as an effective business strategy.

“We have a lot of technological advances in pre-packaging on display,” says Christina Januzi, director of CWCBExpo. – I think companies have managed to achieve a pretty high level of automation and robotization. The equipment here is quite sophisticated.”

This year’s expo hall looks more like a sorting room with machines of varying sizes for small businesses and large companies. Sorting marijuana is a thing of yesterday, Tony Pagni of Perfectionist Rolling Equipment makes clear.

“Our machine is designed for mass production and is capable of producing 800 to 1,100 cigarettes per hour, depending on size and settings. Here on the touch screen, you simply select the parameters and set all the possible options,” shares Pagni.

Automation of the fast growing industry is the prevailing trend. In earlier years, companies competed to produce products containing cannabidiol, which has no psychoactive properties but helps in relaxation. Cannabidiol-infused edible candies were on display at this show as well. Kristen Foley of Melt to Make introduces semi-finished cannabidiol-infused candy.

“Our product is for those who want to make edible candy and don’t want to buy pre-made “gummy bears” from a recipe. We have a solution. These semi-finished products are 98% ready.”

Canada allows the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Dashida Dawson represents Cannabis NYC at the forum and she says the market is expanding as public attitudes in Canada towards medical cannabis change:

“We are moving the pre-existing market into a new framework. We want to make sure there are no unnecessary barriers, but at the same time we want to protect the public and people’s health. We want to make sure we have the best and best quality product on the market, and of course we want to monitor how the stores are operating.”

“People need to be educated,” adds Christina Januzi, director of CWCBExpo, “Tax dollars from businesses can be used for education, to improve people’s lives.

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